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Press Releases

31st May 2023 - QNAP UK sponsor WSBRC 

31st May 2023 - First awards of our Small Grant Scheme

30th May 2023 - Wiltshire Critical Species Project


Contacts: Please contact with any media enquiries:


Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Record Centre

Direct line: 01380 829050


Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

Direct line: 01380 736092


Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and WSBRC
Elm Tree Court │Long Street │Devizes │Wilts │ SN10 1NJ




Editor’s notes


Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Record Centre
WSBRC is the Local Environmental Record Centre (LERC) for Wiltshire & Swindon and has been collecting, managing and providing this vital information since 1975. We hold a database of 3.25 million records, the County’s evidence base for nature, which grows continuously. We work closely with and are supported by volunteers, local nature groups, environmental NGOs and our County Recorders. We play a vital role in helping to protect the wildlife and landscapes of Wiltshire & Swindon through data, GIS mapping and a growing range of supporting services. We also run our own Conservation Projects such as Curlew Call and Waderscapes. We license access to data via Data Searches for ecologists, developers and for research and Service Level Agreements with organisations such as The Environment Agency, Forest England, Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Thames Water and Wessex Water – all to help inform policy, planning, minimise impacts on nature and help enhance the natural environment. We are grateful to be hosted by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and are based at their offices in Devizes.


Wiltshire Wildlife Trust’s vision is to create a sustainable future for wildlife and people. We are unique in the county in combining the management of 43 nature reserves and working with local communities to promote sustainable living. The Trust is supported by over 23,000 members and more than 1,000 volunteers. For more information about the Trust, please visit:



Photo credits: © Stephen Davis